Local organizations
We have been searching for and have found enthusiastic families,
mothers, fathers and grandparents who can represent the interests of
Hungarian families with all their heart; who care for other families, who
can provide guidance and help with their knowledge and experience in
issues like work-family life balance or raising children. Our aim is to create
a bonding community, where we may ask for and get help in our everyday
lives all around the country.
Whatever we do, organize, initiate, we represent that the core values are
unconditional love that holds families together, care and commitment
towards each other.
The Association for Young Families was established in 2015, and its first
organization outside of the capital was founded in 2018 in Nyíregyháza.
With this a new chapter began in the life of the NGO. Today FICSAK has
numerous member organizations, we are present in more than 20 cities
across Hungary and our motto is: Together we are stronger!
We would like to grow further!
Among the long-term plans of the Association for Young Families is full
national coverage since there are families raising children everywhere in
Hungary, and their versatile support and the effective handling of their
problems may not only make their own lives easier but it is also the basic
interest of the whole Hungarian nation.
We are welcoming the application of enthusiastic mothers and/or fathers
who would be ready to do something for families in their home towns or
districts, and who would be eager to join a national organization. Since
FICSAK is open to patronise initiatives which reinforce the basic building
block of our society, the family, build a community and communicates
important values.
Email us to info@ficsak.hu, the subject should be ‘Starting a Ficsak
member organization’.
FICSAK Békéscsaba
FICSAK Cserkeszőlő
FICSAK Debrecen
FICSAK Füzesgyarmat
FICSAK Hernádnémeti
FICSAK Józsefváros
FICSAK Kállósemjén: www.ficsakkallosemjen.hu
FICSAK Kaposvár: www.ficsakkaposvar.hu
FICSAK Kunszentmárton
FICSAK Mezőtúr
FICSAK Nagykanizsa
FICSAK Nyirád: www.ficsaknyirad.hu
FICSAK Nyíregyháza: www.ficsaknyiregyhaza.hu
FICSAK Pásztó: https://www.facebook.com/Ficsak-Paszto-Alapitvany-107039514234751/
FICSAK Szolnok: www.ficsakszolnok.hu
FICSAK Tatabánya: www.ficsaktatabanya.hu
FICSAK Veszprém: www.ficsakveszprem.hu
FICSAK Zalaegerszeg: www.ficsakzalaegerszeg.hu